This is Art Soc: An Exhibition

This is Art Soc: An Exhibition

This semester, the Art Society held an exhibition highlighting the talented artists within our society with This is Art Soc! The exhibition ran from early-March to mid-April, with weekly rotations of featured artists in our Artist Highlights section, and anonymous works left at our various workshops and events over the years in our Lost & Found section.

I really enjoyed getting to know the many talented artists here at Art Soc through our various studio visits and interviews, learning about how they balance their art practice with student life, their individual artistic journeys, and their time at St Andrews and with Art Soc.

Thank you to our artists Iain Lynn, Nicola Maan, Alexander Chun, Miles D’Aguanno, Amelie Platon, Liz Geenty, and Elizabeth Sheehan, our hosts at Taste, and our dedicated committee!

Elizabeth Wu Yang

Exhibitions Coordinator

April 2024