
Welcome to Pastimes, the Art Society Exhibition for Summer 2020.

This exhibition is a collection of works by students at the University of St Andrews in Fife, Scotland. Many of these pieces were developed during lockdown in various parts of the world. As such this exhibition serves as a way to showcase artists under lockdown and connect people through art. I hope you enjoy these pieces as much as I do. Enjoy.

Sebastian Taylor

Exhibitions Coordinator, Summer 2020

Quarantine Light

Film by Ananya Jain



Sunset in Rome by Pascal Pichon Marquette

Forget Me Not

Video by Sebastian Taylor

Music: 1/1 (Edit) by Brian Eno

Excerpt from the Queer Arts Bash 2018


 - Thank you to all the creators who submitted to our exhibition -

All Exhibitions

Rejoice, Return, Reunion

